Monday, December 16, 2013

What was your favorite project and why?
The cup was my favorite project because it honestly turned out the best. I also enjoyed every minute of making it and it helped that this was the best grade that I got on all of my projects.
What project helped you grow and improve or test your skills as an arist?
I choose the ceramic cake for this question because the cake tested my skill to make something look realistic. As you know, my struggle is to put the whole project together, to make everything work. Even though this project could of turned out so much better it taught me the skill of following directions, making it realistic and putting everything together.
What project was your best challenge and why?
I choose the fruit goblet as the biggest challenge because i am horrible at making pinch pots. Another challenging aspect was painting a fruit one color without getting that color on all the other fruits. Although this was one of my favorite projects because of the way that you got to stack the fruits how you wanted to.


What project do you feel most reflects you as an artist and why?
The ceramic penguin most reflects me as an artist because it shows a little bit of a creative side while also being fun and cute. On the other side of the penguin is the monster but i prefer the nice side to the crazy side.